Novosil bus stops

Novosil bus stops

Stops “Novosil” TAF-87 – can serve local transport, such as buses, trolleybuses or minibuses, to move residents within the given district.

Price for Novosil bus stop:

NameCharacteristics L x W x H, mPrice, UAH
1Stop No. 14 “Novosil”3,0х1,6х2,650 000
2Individual ordercontractual
For detailed information, contact the sales department at 050-915-05-38

At the “TAF-87” enterprise, metal stop points are produced in the workshop using a sheet bending machine, guillotine, cutting and machining machines. There are specially prepared patterns, devices, instructions, as well as qualified personnel for the production of stop points. Welding is done semi-automatically, protective coatings are applied with a spray gun. This product is designed for long-term use.

Features of the stopping point:

  • Length = 3.0 m Width = 1.6 m Usable height = 2.25 m
  • Pipe frame 60x60x3, 40x20x2, 30x20x2, covered with soil and enamel.
  • Externally sheathed with monolithic polycarbonate 3.0 mm (shade of your choice)
  • The seat and back are made of a prepared beam of 100×50 mm
  • Equipped with an urn with a volume of 28 liters

LLC “TAF-87” will carry out the calculation, manufacture, delivery, installation of a stop point of any configuration with high quality and on time.

Delivery within Kharkiv – UAH 500, intercity – UAH 15/km both ways.Installation – from UAH 2,000.

The term of production of the stopping point is from 10 to 15 days.

The warranty for the “Novosel” stop is 12 months!

The general steps that can be followed when producing stops are:

  1. Design: Development of design and technical specifications for stops based on customer requirements and analysis of user requirements.
  2. Selection of materials and components: Selection of materials that are best suited for the manufacture of stops, taking into account their strength, durability and aesthetic characteristics.
  3. Production and assembly: Production of individual parts of stops and their subsequent assembly into a finished product.
  4. Packaging and delivery: Packaging of ready stops for transportation to the place of their further installation.
  5. Installation: Installation of the finished product or installation by TAF-87 specialists at the destination,

These are the general steps that can be followed when producing stops.